We have been working day and night for several months, facing serious weather obstacles, political difficulties and spiritual battles in Haiti and without reservation we know God has worked them all out.
On our 60th trip in we hosted a team of professional builders from South Carolina which moved us over half way to the completion of our final church construction project . We were able to finish the excavation and site work, we are close to finishing the 12 24ft concrete columns, we began placing the first EPS foam panels, put the finishing touches on a large septic system, laid the foundation, prepared the baptistery, did the plumbing, installed the electricity and began pouring the floor on the 5,000 square foot structure.
It is difficult many times to single out church or individual contributions because there are so many that make what we do possible but I must say thank you to Pastor Monroe, Mike, Robert, Ted, Rick and the entire congregation of Florence Baptist Temple for the blessing they have been to our ministry.
It is encouraging and humbling to see it come together. We have seen 14 adults receive Christ just this month. Truthfully, no one gets the credit, we are all working together to give Him the honor and glory for this victory and BELIEVE IT OR NOT – there is more to come.
Cut, Balance and Go!! The 4X4 plan
The pastors and staff here are aware of the financial difficulties happening back home and we want you to know we are praying. We have seen this directly affect our support but we are not discouraged and we know God has everything under control.
Ministry needs within the three churches we have started have only grown the last few months yet funds to meet these needs are sliding the other way. Its like moving up a mountain and getting to a slippery spot. On the roads we travel, when your on that steep grade and come to a difficult spot, if you have a 4x4, you just put it in low and keep on going. Our plan is to do just that.
We are going to Cut spending, Balance expenses in 4 areas so we can GO forward with our plans to add 4 additional full time workers. The 4X4 plan is:
Cut – Key categories of the Church, Association and Family Budgets Balance - 1. Communication Costs 2. Electricty 3. Transportation Charges and 4. Haitian Taxes X 4- Go- Full Time Workers
If successful, we hope to see these families involved in full time ministry and one day be independent of these finances. Please pray though because we still have construction project needs to raise and invite you to look over our full plan at http://www.DR4Christ.Blogspot.com
Coming Home in 2012
Six years is a long time, but time flies in the Lords work and we are exited about coming home and communicating our vision with you in person for the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Cuba beginning next year. Over the next few months we will be in contact with you about our schedule and our plans to be with you. We know times are tough and want to save our church families as much as possible and are planning on traveling with the whole family in an old motor home so as to cut down on hotel and food expenses. Scheduling is important to save on gas and we have put together a home assignment calendar for July 2012 through July 2013. Its pretty straight forward and a click away.
GREEN - Open appointment with our general location and service times. YELLOW - Specific or General area in the country we will be located. RED - Filled appointment with our specific location, time and the churches name.
Scheduling made Simple
Please Pray - Needing a Roof - for the New TLC
What - The "TLC" The Timothy Leadership Center
When - Facilities are projected to be completed in early 2012
Where - The "TLC" is located in Nouaille, Haiti approximately 20 minutes from the Port a Prince airport
How - Bridging local needs with resources to advance long term projects
Why - To inspire leaders to Christ-likeness and empower them to impact their families, local churches and communities with the Gospel.
Read about the "TLC's" core principles at http://www.DR4Christ.Blogspot.com

"It's the most WONDERFUL time of the year" and extremely busy.
The Church in Tamboril is getting ready for another Christmas wedding this year and our missions conference theme is: "The Gift That Keeps On Giving".
We are having 3 services focused on "Loving Liberally", "Praying Purposefully", and "Giving Joyfully" and ending it with a banquet where we take up the commitments.
The children of our Sunday School classes are preparing for their respective Nativity play's and the ladies are busy decorating the building with bright red Christmas poinsettias. All of us are excited about what God is doing in the hustle and bustle of this season.
