At the southern edge of Havana lies Lenin park which was built by the Cuban government in 1972. A larger than life marble monument of Vladimir Lenin lies in the park inscribed with these words - “Lenin right from the start was not just a political theorist but a man of action and a man of constant ceaseless revolutionary practice.” - Fidel Castro
In that same park believe it or not the Bible Baptist Church of Guanabacoa worshiped all day - God’s only Son, Jesus Christ. There the church sang songs about Jesus, who was 100% God and 100% man at the same time. They preached and taught not about political theory, rather about the simple truth that God gave His Son, a real man of action, to the constant and ceaseless work of redemption through His blood. Pastor Alberto (Guanabacoa) and Pastor Nestor (La Lisa), while we know could ask us for many things they lack, they rather ask us to pray for there up coming missions conferences entitled “Placed As Stewards”. Pray also that they be filled with courage and wisdom from on High.
Transforming Soldiers in Tamboril

The Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:4 that “No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” The theme - “Transforming Soldiers” came from this verse and set the tone for the whole week. Jordan, Regina, Pastor Dial and I, all got to lead multiple children to the Lord in small groups.
Attendances were over a 100 each day, with close to 50 first time visitors. Everyday and everywhere it seemed, lives were being transformed. 16 children received Christ on the last day and one older visitor, Albania came with her sister and went to the kitchen to see if Doña Rosa needed some help with the refreshments. Little did Albania know that tucked back in that little corner - Doña Rosa also masquerades as one of our elite Special Op Soldiers. So Albania, seeking to help refresh others, left the kitchen truly refreshed in her heart - after receiving Christ as her Savior! God worked everywhere at VBS this year - even in the kitchen 
In the News

Want to bring that extra missions pizzaz to your Vacation Bible School? We have developed a customizable 1 min video where our VBS Kids pump up your boys team online for download in HD. Check it out a Vimeo and send us an e-mail and we will personalize the video for your next VBS and upload it to your dropbox account. Guaranteed to “hit it out of the park” over the girls team! 
Camp 180° A Super Success
Regina and I for over a decade have observed in Costa Rica and Cuba that Christ focused camps are one of the most effective ways of winning teenagers to the Lord. This and the fact that 64% of people accept Christ before the age of 18 led us to form a partnership with the Rawlings foundation for unsaved youth 12-17 years of age which we call simply - Camp 180° . On our part we organize and motivate the young people in our community to sign up ahead of time, keep up with the application process, provide counselors from our church and help Eddy Jesus (Highlands Event Director) preach and put on an unforgettable, first class program. The Rawlings foundation provides the camp and funding necessary to bring in the young people who in turn receive a clear presentation of the Gospel. Our leaders signed up 168 and due to an outbreak of chikungunya only 138 were able to attend of which 35 received Christ as Savior. We are excited and invite you to check out all the pictures @www.instagram.com/dr4christ
BIG Blessings in Croix des Bouquet
It was really great for our team to reunite with our friends from Farmington, New Mexico in Haiti. Half of the team from 2011 returned once again to support many different areas of ministry. Being able to advance the construction of the second floor of Bible Baptist Church’s auxiliary building was icing on the cake. The church is growing and we think the 5+ albums posted in October on Facebook speak for themselves. The church, auxiliary building and the Timothy Leadership Center still have a lot of construction needs but we know the Lord will provide in His perfect timing. Dr . Woodson from www.valleyvetpet.net treated over 100 animals while in Haiti. This outreach has grown each time Dr . Woodson has come and soon the church will have a book translated into Kreol on caring for goats. It might sound different but accompanying this with tracts and invitations not only builds the church’s testimony but has resulted in many visiting the church as well. God is Good!

The vast majority of our church members both in IBB Tamboril & IBB Don Pedro do not own a vehicle.
Members come from up to 25 minutes away as IBB Tamboril is the only Baptist church in the Tamboril-Canca-Guazumal area.
Members come from up to 30 minutes away to Pastor Dials church which is the only Baptist church in the Don Pedro-Licey-Pontezuela area.
Our Toyota Sienna has been used every week close to five years transporting members and guests over an hour before church and after church and it is getting worn.
In 2012 we purchased Pastor Dial a Toyota Previa van which he uses to transport guests to church as well as transporting groups into and around Haiti.
It is costing more in gas per week to run the vans, than one diesel bus would cost servicing both congregations not to mention the savings on transportation rentals for special activities, retreats, camps etc. Thanks to Florence Baptist Temple and Friendship Baptist Church in Owasso we have raised $12,759 and are half way to our $25,000 goal.
