“How to connect with your teen” was the theme of our ladies evangelistic activity in Tamboril. Our special speaker, Yaquelin Brito from the Converted to Christ Baptist church in Santo Domingo, did an excellent job challenging everyone. Group Pictionary was the favorite and the funniest game of the night, as the ladies tried to understand exactly what their leader was drawing. Many times with absolutely “off the wall” guesses, making everyone laugh. The game served to remind us of how parents and teens can be in totally different “worlds” when communicating. It has been really neat to see our ladies grow spiritually and encourage those they know to have a relationship with Christ. Neri, brought her 3 neighbors and Rosa brought several guests, just to name a few. Through all the fun, food and games, the most important event of the night was to be able to share with our guests their need to have Jesus; because it is only through Him, that real solutions can be found for teen and parent challenges.
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