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George Washington - Es deber de todas las naciones reconocer la providencia de Dios Todopoderoso, obedecer su voluntad, ser agradecido por sus beneficios, y humildemente implorar su protección y favor.

Over 40% of the Dominican is mired in poverty The solution for poverty is not more charity, which quickly leads to more dependency.  If we are serious about trying to solve poverty in a certain area then we should not try to “alleviate” it either.  The word, alleviate, means to make easier or to endure.  Basically this kicks the can down the road, it might make you feel better but it does not have any long-term impact that passes to the next...

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Neri con su arroz. #dr4christ

Yoandra y Rickadini

Tiffany, Elizabeth & Yailin #dr4christ

Ramona Duarte Santo - 27 anos - Led her to The Lord with Regina en la casa culto en Canca de la Piedra

Islanda Guzman - 12 anos

Yoandra Guzman - 12 anos - completely terrified of the Ocean - was at the point of getting out and Regina walked out and persuaded - :) her that she could do it - and she did. #dr4christ

Elizabeth Guzman - 11 anos #dr4christ

Yailin Guzmandiaz - 9 anos. #dr4christ

Advance Baptismal Team on their way. #dr4christ

Missing Family Today - Ama la gente que Dios te dio. Porque va a necesitarlos con Él algún día.