As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country - Prov. 25:25 Even though the churches we started in Cuba face many challenges believe it or not they continue making great strides. The fourth church we started in Guanabacoa (6 miles east of Havana) is currently pastored by Alberto and Lissette who used to work as the directors of the Manna children's center there in 2005. The church celebrated its 8th anniversary this year on July 25th and communicates with us regularly about young and old receiving Christ as their personal Savior. Please pray that Pastor Alberto will glorify the Lord in all he does.
The fellowship in Cuba is growing and has started two new churches; Hope Bible Baptist Church, 16 miles east of Guanabacoa and Emmanuel Baptist Church, 6 miles southwest of Havana. Both of these churches have had stable leadership now for more than two years. All the churches continue to celebrate week long missions conferences and have exceeded their faith promise missions goals each year. This year they are planning to challenge their churches not only to give by faith but also by faith make weekly missions trips into Matanzas and Villa Clara. Please pray that the special activities they have planned will be blessed. Pray for us as our churches plan to reconnect in person with these brave believers in 2013
In the News

Outreach magazine this month asks the question "Whatever happened to Evangelism?" In it Francis Chan says "we give sermons about fishing and PowerPoints about fishing and books about fishing, but who's actually out there fishing and taking someone along with them?" Well, we are happy to report that Tamboril is fishing this month in all kinds of ways. From taking the Gospel into a public elementary school right down the street. To inviting unsaved friends to a birthday party during the week celebrated in one of our Sunday School classes. To Doña Rosa, one of our Senior Saints who takes girls into her home, helps them with their homework, shares with them Christ and brings them to church on Sunday's. Too much more. Pray that Tamboril will be more bold in the weeks to come and have even more opportunities to "fish".
This month we have made on Facebook an album for missions "Devotionals", and Nov. 8th's asks the perfect question - "Where are your rescue shops located?"
We are the Light of the World
The Bible says in Matthew chapter 5:14 that we are the light of the world. Jesus said in John 8:12 that He is the light of the world. How can both of those be true? When you give your heart and life to Jesus Christ, you are saved, and Jesus comes to live inside of you, and the light of the world comes to live inside of your heart, and you, now become a light designed to illuminate His love to others in darkness. In our fourth annual missions conference the church was challenged to accomplish the task of shining the light of Jesus Christ with God's power on their lives, prayer and giving. Once again at the missions banquet, at the close of the conference, the church exceeded its faith promise missions goal and then began the Christmas season by singing carols.
We also learned that Jorge and Penny, our missionaries in Nagua, need to replace some video equipment so they can continue to produce an award winning Christian T.V. program. If your church has some used equipment or would like to help financially with this need please contact us.

Martha, after having little Nathaniel last month isn't missing a beat with the work she does every Saturday in the church's Club 180°. This year the club has had an average attendance of over 40 and many 180°s have occured. One hundred eighty degree's is an expression that means "turnaround" or in other words a complete change of direction.
Last week four such "turnaround's" occured in the lives of Yesica (10), Elivel (9), Nicol (8) & Asline (8). {See Album} Martha and her team desire to reach out to even more children in Don Pedro in the up coming months who desperately need a change of heart. The Bible says in Ezekiel 36:26 "A new heart also will I give you . . and I will take away the stony heart . ." Please pray that more hearts will continue to do complete 180°s. We believe the Lord can do it!
This ministry is a big blessing to Pastor Dial's church and has been supported by the generous people of Arden Road Baptist Church in Amarillo, Texas for several years. We are very grateful for them and believe their is a great opportunity to reproduce this in Haiti. Pastor Cliford and Louisna have been working for several months since their wedding and have built a great foundation in Croix des Bouqet so as to start a Club 180°. If you or your church would be interested in funding a ministry like this please e-mail us.
